[Salon] Chinese MFA readout of Blinken-Wang meeting

Wang Yi held a meeting with US Secretary of State Blinken_Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China (fmprc.gov.cn)


Machine translation:


Wang Yi held a meeting with US Secretary of State Blinken



On July 9, 2022 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Blinken after attending the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bali. The two sides conducted comprehensive, in-depth, frank and long-term communication on China-US relations and international and regional issues of common concern. Both sides believe that the dialogue is substantive and constructive, which will help enhance mutual understanding, reduce misunderstanding and misjudgment, and accumulate conditions for future high-level exchanges between the two countries.

Wang Yi said that at present, Sino-US relations have not yet come out of the predicament created by the previous US government, and they are even encountering more and more challenges. The historical narrative of Sino-US relations has been artificially distorted, the actual situation has been kidnapped by so-called "political correctness," and the direction of development is in danger of being further led astray. The fundamental reason is that there is a problem in the US side's understanding of China, and the China policy formulated as a result has naturally deviated from the correct track. Some contradictions and inconsistencies in words and deeds in the US China policy reflect from a deep level that there have been serious deviations in the US world outlook, China outlook, and Sino-US views on history, interests, and competition. Many people believe that the United States is suffering from an increasingly serious "China phobia." If this "threat inflation" is allowed to continue, the US China policy will be a dead end that cannot be walked out.

Wang Yi said that the fundamental guideline for Sino-US relations to get rid of the predicament is to conscientiously implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state. China has always developed China-US relations in accordance with the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation put forward by President Xi Jinping. The US side should truly implement President Biden's important commitment of "four noes and one intention".

Wang Yi stressed that since the US side promised not to seek changes to the Chinese system, it should respect the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics chosen by the Chinese people and stop smearing and attacking China's political system and domestic and foreign policies. Since the US side promised not to seek to fight a "new Cold War," it should abandon the Cold War mentality, refrain from engaging in zero-sum games, and stop pulling gangs and gangs to engage in "small circles." Since the US side has promised not to support "Taiwan independence," it should stop hollowing out and distorting the one-China policy, stop "salami slicing" on the Taiwan issue, and must not play the "Taiwan card" to obstruct the process of China's peaceful reunification. Since the US side has promised that it has no intention of clashing with China, it should respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, and refrain from harming China's legitimate interests in the name of human rights and democracy. The US side should also lift the tariffs imposed on China as soon as possible and stop unilateral sanctions on Chinese enterprises.

Wang Yi stressed that the US side said it would install a "guardrail" for Sino-US relations. The three Sino-US joint communiques are the most reliable "protection" for the two countries. As long as we earnestly fulfill the commitments made by our respective parties in the three joint communiques, adhere to the correct direction, remove roadblocks in a timely manner, and open up the way forward, bilateral relations will not be derailed and out of control. Otherwise, no amount of "guardrail" will work. The two sides should explore the establishment of guidelines for action by both sides in the spirit of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, avoidance of confrontation and win-win cooperation. It is necessary to establish channels for implementing the consensus reached by the two heads of state and better coordinate exchanges in various fields and departments. It is necessary to properly manage contradictions and differences and strive to resolve prominent problems. Accordingly, the Chinese side has put forward four lists to the US side: a list of requests for the United States to correct its erroneous policies and words and deeds toward China, a list of key cases of concern to the Chinese side, a list of China-related bills of key concern to the Chinese side, and a list of cooperation in 8 fields between China and the United States.

Wang Yi comprehensively expounded his solemn stand on the Taiwan issue, demanding that the US side must be cautious in its words and deeds, must not send any wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces, must not underestimate the firm determination of the Chinese people to defend territorial sovereignty, and must not make subversive mistakes that have buried peace in the Taiwan Strait. Wang Yi also refuted some erroneous views of the US side on the basis of xinjiang-related, hong kong-related, and maritime issues.

Blinken introduced the US policy toward China, saying that the US side does not seek to fight a "new Cold War" against China, does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not challenge the ruling position of the Communist Party of China, does not seek to contain China, does not support "Taiwan independence," and does not seek to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The United States is committed to managing risk factors in bilateral relations and is open to cooperation with China.

The two sides reached consensus on reciprocal reciprocity to promote more results in the consultations of the China-US Joint Working Group, and agreed to create better conditions for diplomatic and consular personnel of the two sides to perform their duties and restart exchanges and consultations on people-to-people issues. The two sides also agreed to strengthen cooperation in gas change and public health.

The Chinese side also put forward the idea of positive interaction between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. The two sides also had an in-depth exchange of views on the Ukrainian issue and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

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